How can the Evidence Based Practice Model enhance nurses clinical decision-makings?

How can the Evidence Based Practice Model enhance nurses clinical decision-makings?.

EVIDENCE FOR NURSING Assessment Item 2: Understanding research concepts
Due date: 5 pm, Wed 22nd April Weight: 35% Submission via Turnitin
This assessment allows you to demonstrate your understanding of evidence based practice concepts and
processes and apply your knowledge to case studies.
• Read the questions carefully and answer all parts of the questions.
• If required, provide references.
• Follow the word limits.
PART One: Evidence based practice concepts (17.5 marks)
1. According to the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016), what is the role of evidence based
practice in the nursing profession? (100 words±10% , 4 marks). Needs referencing.
2. How can the Evidence Based Practice Model enhance nurses’ clinical decision-makings? (100
words±10%, 4 marks). Needs referencing.
3. One of the components of Evidence Based Practice is consideration of the patient’s values and
preferences. What does this mean? Using an example, explain the importance of this component (100
words±10%, 4 marks). Needs referencing.
4. Reflecting on your last clinical placement or clinical work experience, explain four barriers and four
enablers to the implementation of evidence-based practice in the clinical settings? (100 words±10%, 4
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5. Why are randomised controlled trials considered to be ‘higher level evidence’? (50 words±10%, 1.5
marks). Needs referencing
PART TWO: The case study (17.5 marks)
No need to use references in your answers to the questions below.
Read the article by Erkkila at al. (2011), titled ‘Individual music therapy for depression: randomised
controlled trial’. A copy of this article is in the Assessment 2 folder.
6. Can you trust the results of this study? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this paper? (Hint: refer
to the CASP for randomised controlled trials to guide you in the critical appraisal of this study) (200
words±10%, 9 marks).
7. Was music therapy effective in treating the depression of the patients? (Hint: present and interpret the
results for depression outcome- see Table 2 for the summary of the results- you need to consider the
results for intervention and control groups, whether the difference between these groups is statistically
significant, and if the estimation of the results for the wider population is precise (100 words±10%, 5

How can the Evidence Based Practice Model enhance nurses clinical decision-makings?

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