How does God fit in the picture?

How does God fit in the picture?.

The second paper is intended to provide a forum for a more in-depth personal response to the biblical texts. The basis for your reflections in this paper should be:

1. The biblical reading from either Job or Ecclesiastes
2. The corresponding chapter from Kreefts Three Philosophies of Life
3. Your own personal experience

Option 1: the Book of Job as it relates to the mystery of human suffering. In this paper you may wish to address questions such as the following:

1) Do you see any similarities between Jobs situation and people you know or have known (including yourself)? What attitudes or emotions do you experience when forcefully confronted with the reality of human suffering?

2) How do you feel about the three friends who came to comfort Job? Do you sympathize with them? How would you critique the approach they take with Job?

3) What theological questions does the reality of suffering raise when it is deeply and personally experienced as with Job? What questions are raised for those who witness the suffering of others? How does God fit in the picture?

4) Do Kreefts reflections on Job provide deeper insight into the questions the Book of Job raises? Are there statements of his with which you especially agree or disagree based on your own experience (first or second hand) of suffering?

Option 2: the Book of Ecclesiastes (also known as Qoheleth) as it relates to questions concerning the meaning of life and the problem of death. In this paper you may wish to address questions such as the following:

1) What is the meaning of life according to Ecclesiastes? Do you ever pause to consider questions of ultimate meaning? What is the problem with “short-range meanings”?

2) Why is death such a problem for Ecclesiastes? Is it a problem for you in your own experience or search for meaning? What might explain the similarities or differences between these attitudes with regard to death?

3) What is your reaction after reading the Book of Ecclesiastes? Does it surprise you that this book is in the Bible?

4) Do Kreefts reflections on Ecclesiastes provide deeper insight into the questions the Book of Ecclesiastes raises? Are there statements of his with which you especially agree or disagree based on your own experience of life and of death?

Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, and 3-4 pa

How does God fit in the picture?

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