How is the scene similar to or different from the literary versions of the story?.
Select one out of the five mythological scenes on pages 12-15 of this Administration Guide and write about 1200 words (for specific guidelines see Study Guide II, pp. 2-3). (You can exceed the word limit with no penalty.)
First of all describe the scene in detail: subject matter, figures involved (poses, gestures, attributes), composition. Address the following questions:
How is the plot expressed? (i.e., what narrative method is used? how is time expressed? how does it relate to what happened before and what comes afterwards?)
How is the setting defined or implied (if at all)?
How is the scene similar to or different from the literary versions of the story?
What messages (i.e. values, attitudes, ideologies, morals) are projected by the myth (not just the specific image)?
Then from the picture books listed in the bibliography, other books you may own, or the Internet locate another scene from Greek Art (preferably from a different period), depicting the same myth (make sure you have the whole scene and attach a clear photocopy with reference). Compare the two scenes by addressing the following questions:
What variations do you see in the depiction of the myth?
Has the appearance of the figures been altered?
Have new elements been introduced?
Has the composition changed?
Has the focus of the story shifted?
Has the message been modified?
(If you select the Rape of Kassandra you cannot use the image in the Book of Illustrations 35 as your second scene, even if you get the illustration or another view of the same vase painting from a different source.)
How is the scene similar to or different from the literary versions of the story?