How many schools in this neighborhood are a 9 or 10?

How many schools in this neighborhood are a 9 or 10?.

Report the number of public, private, and charter schools in the neighborhood. For the
public schools, look at the API ranks, which stands for Academic Performance Index. The
API is a scale that measures school performance by dividing schools into 10 equal groups
(deciles)—so a 1/10 means the school falls into the lowest 10% of schools and a 10 means
it falls into the highest 10% of schools. For example, a 5/10 means a school is about at the
50th percentile for schools in CA. See
understandingtheapi.aspx for more. How many schools in this neighborhood are a 9 or 10?
How many are a 1 or 2? Overall, would you say the schools in this neighborhood seem to
be high-quality or low-quality, based on API? (1/2 page)
Once you have completed these steps, answer the following reflection questions:
• Based on the neighborhood youve chosen and how it compares to other neighborhoods,
what links do you see, if any, between the racial and poverty composition of a
neighborhood and its levels of social problems in terms of crime and poor schools? (1/2
• (~1 page) Based on class material (cite specific lectures or readings), do we typically see
links between neighborhood composition (racial/ethnic or economic) and (a) crime and (b)
o Name one explanation for links between neighborhood composition and crime and
identify whether it is a structural or cultural explanation.
o Name one explanation for links between neighborhood composition and education
and identify whether it is a structural or cultural explanation.
Lectures from 9/16, 9/30, 10/7, 10/12, 11/9, 11/11 might be particularly useful for this
Total length: 4 double-spaced pages plus 2 maps( I WILL DO ) and 1 table in 12 point font with
standard (1 inch) margins.
Santa monica CA
Culver city CA

How many schools in this neighborhood are a 9 or 10?

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