Hypothetical company

Hypothetical company.

 Assignment: Represent an actual or hypothetical company looking to enter a foreign market, or compete in your domestic market against international competitors. Identify one specific market access challenge that this company faces, and propose one specific market access solution. Ground your analysis in as much detail as possible concerning domestic and global rules of competition. Instructions: Your paper is to be a maximum of 5 double-spaced pages written in a 12 point font with 1 inch margins on the sides, 1 inch margins top and bottom. Endnotes, which are not tallied in your page count, are required. In converting footnotes to endnotes, please change the default Roman numerals to real numbers. Please also insert page numbers, starting with the first page of text (i.e., after the title page). Provide sources for all referenced material, including graphics, figures, and URLs for all web-based content. Graphics and figures should be at the end of your paper, and will not be counted in your page tally. Please proof-read your paper carefully, and be sure to write in complete sen-tences, as bullet points are not acceptable. Finally, be sure to define all concepts and acro-nyms. ***I put 10 sources but there isn’t a specified number required. The professor stated the paper should be well sourced so use as many as possible to support your analysis***

Hypothetical company

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