identify a national benchmark of performance within my organization which is the VA Hospital that will be used to measure and that will measure improvement in Nurse turnover at the Facility I work at.

identify a national benchmark of performance within my organization which is the VA Hospital that will be used to measure and that will measure improvement in Nurse turnover at the Facility I work at..

INQUIRY DELIVER 1 PAGE in 4 hours confirm; Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced) Number of sources: 1 Writing Style: APA Type of document: Coursework Category: Nursing VIP Support: N/A Language Style: English (U.S.) Order Instructions: I need to identify a national benchmark of performance within my organization which is the VA Hospital that will be used to measure and that will measure improvement in Nurse turnover at the Facility I work at. It has to be a benchmark that is measurable. Here is what I have, but I do not think the benchmark is described clearly with a reference. This is a proposed change to improve turnover. I will need on reference for the benchmark A6b. Measures to evaluate (using a National Benchmark) Nurse leaders and the top management of the organization may use a variety of tools to assess the progress of the change process. To measure the nurses’ job satisfaction level, they can conduct interviews with registered nurses or complete a survey containing specific questions related to different areas of job satisfaction. For example, the nurses would provide their feedback on the policies introduced to reduce the turnover and identify the most and the least effective ones. They could also offer some areas for future improvement and make recommendations to the management. The executives should also collect data on the turnover rate and analyze it regularly to determine whether the change is making a positive impact. There are some specific tools that the change managers can use to assess certain outcomes. The tool that will be used is the McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale (MMSS), which is a scale for measuring nurse job satisfaction that is being extensively used in nursing research and practice. Each item in the MMSS is scored from to 5 with the 5 indicating the highest level of satisfaction, so the higher the rates are, the more the staff is satisfied with their jobs. The Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS) will be used, The FAS is a 10-question survey instrument with five questions measuring physical fatigue and five questions measuring mental fatigue to assess fatigue in the workforce (Cochran, 2014). The total score of a FAS ranges from 10 to 50. A total score < 22 indicates no fatigue, a score = 22 indicates fatigue. Any effective goal is measurable; therefore the organization needs to set clear goals to increase the chances of a successful outcome. The management will set a goal to reduce the turnover rate from 20 percent to 10 percent within the first ten months of the reform. The categories of achievement rate will be standardized and include 1) far away from benchmark (50 percent of the benchmark achieved), 2) close to benchmark (the value for is between 50 percent and 90 percent of the benchmark), and 3) achieved benchmark or better (the value is higher than 90 percent of the benchmark value). To evaluate the effectiveness of change, the 2012 national benchmark for median nurse turnover of 14.3 percent will be used.

identify a national benchmark of performance within my organization which is the VA Hospital that will be used to measure and that will measure improvement in Nurse turnover at the Facility I work at.

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