If so what evidence is there that the results are reflecting true relationships versus methodological factors?

If so what evidence is there that the results are reflecting true relationships versus methodological factors?.

This report is not a test of your statistical knowledge and you will be given data analysis guidelines to assist you later in the semester. The statistics should be used as a tool to demonstrate whether or not the expected theoretical relationships are supported. The data file, SC_2015.SAV is available on Blackboard.
Discussion (24 marks): Discuss the findings in relation to the aims and hypotheses and literature cited in your Introduction. Were your hypotheses supported? If so, what evidence is there that the results are reflecting “true” relationships versus methodological factors? If they were not supported, discuss possible reasons for this. Discuss limitations of the study (these should be tied directly to the results) and provide suggestions for future research. Provide conclusions relating to the role of cognitive self-control and motivations to control prejudice in the formation of attitudes towards asylum seekers, and, if relevant, consider other explanatory variables.
Your report should also include a Title Page, Abstract, and References. The title of the report must specify the IVs and DVs. The Abstract (6 marks) should be no more than 150 words in length. Marks will also be awarded for overall integration (8 marks) and references and presentation (10 marks). The references you have been given should be sufficient to begin your literature review. However, you should explore the relevant literature further and include additional references in your report.
The Research Report should be a maximum 3500 words, with +/- 10% flexibility on the word count. This word limit does NOT include Title page, Tables, Figures, or References, but it does include the Abstract. As an approximate guide, use the following: Abstract (150 words), Introduction (approx. 1200 words), Method and Results (approx. 1200 words combined), Discussion (approx. 1000 words).
Your assignment should be typed and double-spaced using a standard 12 point font. Use APA formatting throughout, including for Tables and Figures. You may place your tables within the text of the Results section (i.e., no need to use the manuscript submission convention of placing tables at the end of the article). Do not attach the materials, questionnaire or SPSS printouts of your results to your Research Report. As your formatting guide, refer to the APA Publication Manual.
Your assignment must be submitted as a single document, via Blackboard, no later than 11:55pm on Friday of Week 9. A cover sheet must be completed by you and uploaded to BlackBoard (as a separate document) along with the submitted assignment by the deadline. Standard assessment cover sheets can be found here: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/student-administration/docs/student/Cover_sheet_for_submission_of_work_for_assessment.pdf
Your assignment will be submitted in Turnitin (through BlackBoard). Well in advance of your submission, you should familiarise yourself with the documentation in the folder called “Turnitin Information”, which you will find under the “Assessments” tab on BlackBoard.
You must check that your assignment submission has correctly uploaded, in an acceptable file format, well in advance of the deadline. Allow plenty of time to correct any technical difficulties, as they will not be considered the basis for any extension.
As per the unit outline, a penalty of 10% per day (including weekends) applies for late submissions, and submissions more than 5 days late will receive zero marks.
Extensions may be granted in exceptional circumstances. Requests for extensions of 6 days or less must be submitted to your tutor in writing, before the assignment due date. Requests for extensions of 7 days or more must be submitted to the universitys online special consideration (SPC) tool, no later than three working days after the due date. Immediately upon submitting an extension request to the SPC online tool, students should also email their tutor to notify their tutor that they are requesting an extension via the SPC online tool, as well as the length of the extension they are requesting. All extension requests must be accompanied by appropriate documentation (i.e. a medical certificate for illness, a counsellors/psychologists letter for psychological issues or personal circumstances). The documentation should indicate the length of time for which the student was impacted by the illness/circumstance. Remember that pressure of other work (whether university work or paid work) does not count as a basis for an extension. Students should not assume that they will be granted an extension until they are notified of its approval.

If so what evidence is there that the results are reflecting true relationships versus methodological factors?

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