If you were the school’s principal, how, if at all, would you counsel the coach?

If you were the school’s principal, how, if at all, would you counsel the coach?.

A 14-year-old girl wants to try out for the boys’ wrestling team and is not interested in participating in any other sports. She is an exceptionally talented athlete who has regularly lifted weights for the past two years and is in excellent physical condition. Although she has no prior experience in wrestling, her dream is to one day earn a gold medal as a member of the U.S. Olympic women’s wrestling team. No other girls at her high school are interested in wrestling. The team’s coach has refused to allow “a girl to try out for a man’s sport.” If you were her parent, would you be willing to file a lawsuit on her behalf to challenge this decision? If you were the school’s principal, how, if at all, would you counsel the coach?

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If you were the school’s principal, how, if at all, would you counsel the coach?

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