Industries all over the world are being disrupted by technological advancements, social change, and innovation the accounting industry is no exception.

Industries all over the world are being disrupted by technological advancements, social change, and innovation the accounting industry is no exception..

The Disruption of the Accounting Industry We live in a world of disruption. Industries all over the world are being disrupted by technological advancements, social change, and innovation; the accounting industry is no exception. Businesses have always relied on accurate accounting information in order to track progress and make smart decisions. In the past, it was acceptable to receive this information the following month. Technological limits and the speed with which human bookkeepers and accountants could do the work contributed to the delay in reporting. However, these limits are being stripped away as more and more of the accounting cycle becomes automated. In this research paper, thoroughly discuss some of the trends that are driving the disruption in the accounting industry and what solutions must accountants employ to remain relevant as an industry. The requirements for this paper are: All paragraphs must be focused and organized, clearly relating back to your thesis statement about the topic. Research sources appropriate to the topic, and effectively use those sources as evidence to support and prove your thesis. You must research and use at least three sources*. Your research paper must be a minimum of 3 pages in length (not including cover page or Works Cited page), double-spaced, in 12 point Time New Roman font, and in MLA or APA format. Your paper will not be graded if it does not minimally meet these conditions. Cite all sources using MLA or APA Format. Your paper must include proper parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page (the Works Cited page is NOT part of the 3 page length minimum requirement). *A Few Notes about Required Sources: Your sources must be reputable and reliable. Good sources include the following: newspapers, magazines books scholarly journals some websites (Wikipedia is NOT a reputable source for this assignment.) A well researched paper will include a variety of sources. Remember that for academic papers, books and scholarly journals tend to provide the best information.

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Industries all over the world are being disrupted by technological advancements, social change, and innovation the accounting industry is no exception.

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