interconnected embedded technologies

interconnected embedded technologies.

The “Internet of things” is an emerging trend towards smart interconnected embedded technologies that allow us to monitor and control our environment. Collect and summarise an online resource that describes ONE example or application of the Internet of things.
Title, Link and Reference:

Connected Medical Devices, Apps: Are They Leading the IoT Revolution — or Vice Versa?
Lars, N 2014, ‘Connected Medical Devices, Apps: Are They Leading the IoT Revolution — or Vice Versa?’, Wired, June 2014, viewed 1 February 2017,
Note: You may use abbreviated URLs (to the website) in the reference, however you must provide the FULL link above it that, when pasted into the Web Browser, will take the marker directly to the resource. Using full URLs in the reference (as in this example) is fine too.


Connected Medical Devices, Apps: Are They Leading the IoT Revolution — or Vice Versa?
This article describes the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the context of medical devices. I chose this article because it not only examines the applications of a very useful class of IoT devices, but it also highlights the need for ways of collecting and processing the data they produce.
In the article, the author describes how many medical monitoring devices are now capable of connecting to the Internet and are becoming a normal part of patient care. These devices allow remote monitoring of patient health wirelessly and can collect data on a wide range of vital signs and indicators. Data can be collected from a range of sensors reading everything from heart rate and blood pressure through to blood sugar levels and temperature.
In addition to passive monitors, IoT medical devices provide the ability to proactively prompt patients to do things, for example to warn them of their blood pressure or to alert them that they need more medication. The article points out that many of these notifications are the result of apps (software) interacting with both the devices and the patients.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the article is the author’s discussion of what happens to the data that the IoT medical devices produce. The author explains that many devices can send data directly to the cloud for storage and analysis and that this data constitutes a wealth of information that will potentially improve healthcare in the future.
I found this article useful because it not only highlighted the increasing ubiquity of Internet-connected medical devices, but also made me think about how the data is collected, where it is stored and how it could be used – both positively and negatively – in the future.

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interconnected embedded technologies

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