Is Sociology a Science?.
By the definition, science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment (Oxford dictionary). This crude definition is elaborated further by a world-famous sociologist Anthony Giddens as ‘the scientific study of human social life, groups, and societies. It is dazzling and compelling enterprise, as its subject matter is our own behavior as social beings. The scope of sociological study is extremely wide, ranging from the analysis of passing encounters between individuals on the street to the investigation of global social processes such as the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.’ (Giddens: 2006)
Before the rise in modern science, majority of people believed that gods or spirits were the cause of natural events such as earthquakes. That is why, we, human beings, always have been curious about the sources of our own behavior, but for centuries our attempts to understand ourselves relied on ways of thinking passed down from generation to generation, often expres…