It217 programming language week 4

It217 programming language week 4.


Read chapter 4 from the textbook and the lesson in chapter 4 from the weekly module.

Answer the following questions:

    1. What is a variable?

  1. When assigning names to variables, what are the rules to follow?
  2. What is the difference between a local variable and a global variable?
  3. What string function should you use to return a numeric value representing the number of characters of a string?
  4. Why is the use of arrays important in programming?


You are required to make at least two comments on the responses posted by your classmates with a minimum of 50 words. Make sure you design your response with your own words. Your responses to your classmates must be of substance; not just “I agree” or “Good Post.” The purpose of the responses is to convert the discussion forum into a quality academic environment through which you improve your knowledge and understanding. Read and review all assigned course materials and chapters before you start working on your assignments.

It217 programming language week 4

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