MBA715Research Practices Assignment

MBA715Research Practices Assignment.

‘CommentsUU-MBA715 – Research Practices Assignment 1: 50 per cent of module marks Instructions: Assignment 1 Brief & Guidelines Assignment Scenario Using the process discussed in the first three topics you should identify a research topic and expand on it using the theory. You can structure this as a research proposal that discusses your research topic and illustrates why it is worth implementing. Your research can be something related to your experience, something you are particularly interested in or something you believe would be a good area to write the assignment on. The topic does not have to be completely new but it must be current. For example the impact of tablets on tourism may be a suitable topic because it is current but the impact of WAP on tourism is not a suitable topic because it is not current. It can be related partly or fully to you specialization. It can also form the basis for your final year project. Before finalizing your choice make sure you can find information on it. Also check with your tutor that your chosen research topic is suitable. To make sure you relate all the areas covered in the module to your research you may want to structure you essay following the same order. You could allocate two or three paragraphs for each issue. Where there are alternatives approaches they should be discussed before going into more detail with the chosen option. While you are making an argument why your research proposal is important you must always be objective and treat all alternatives equally. UU-MBA715: Research Practices Page 2 UU -MBA715: Research Practices Your report must be comprised of the following sections: ï‚· Cover page and table of contents. ï‚· Introduction. ï‚· Main body of the assignment (essay content, analysis and review of literature. All the elements that are included in the report must be adequately analyzed and supported with material that is properly cited, paraphrased and referenced from a wide variety of external sources). ï‚· Conclusions (bring together your main points, address the main points as indicated above and adequately summarize the findings of your assignment. Marking criteria: Element Weight % Presentation (General Presentation and APA referencing) 10 Essay content 60 Essay structure and organization 20 Language clarity and accuracy 10 The following points should be noted for this part of the assessment: ï‚· This is an individual assignment. ï‚· The total number of words for this assignment should be 3000 words (+/- 10%) This does not include the reference list and any appendices the report may include. ï‚· The assignment should be your own work and properly referenced according to the requirements of the APA Referencing system. ï‚· Literature should be sourced from a variety of external sources such as textbooks and journal articles.  ï‚· The assignment must be submitted in a single word document using the corresponding link found in the toggle titled “Course Assessment Point 1 – Assignment 1†and it will be automatically checked with “Turnitin†. ï‚· Accurate referencing of sources is crucial in this assignment. Please REFERENCE all sources using the APA referencing system and make sure that you are familiar with this. ï‚· Please familiarize yourself with the regulations on late submission.  ï‚· This assignment carries a weight of 50% of the final module grade. ï‚· This assignment must be submitted on the due date (end of Week 3– Sunday) by 11:59 pm (23:59 hours) VLE (UTC) time at the latest. ï‚· Feedback will be available within 6 working days.‘

MBA715Research Practices Assignment

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