organizing course readings as evidence

organizing course readings as evidence.

The essay is intended to assist you in organizing course readings as evidence towards developing an original thesis statement. The paper needs to be drawn from the readings to develop a theoretical argument about how attention to historical processes discussed (slavery) contributes to an understanding of cultural diversity in the U.S. Grading: The essay assignment is an opportunity to appraise the individuals writing profiency in order to identify areas needing improvement and possible tips/strategies that may assist you in preparation for the final essay. Writing style, grammar, and spelling are not factored into the final grade on this essay. Format, length, substance: – 5-6 pages in length, Doubled-Spaced, Times New Roman Size 12 Font, 1 Margins – A works cited page is required in addition to the 5-6 pages – The essay should explicitly discuss how knowledge of slavery contributes to an understanding of cultural diversity in the US. Thesis: – Your thesis should be clear and present in the introductory paragraph, developed through your supporting paragraphs, and revisited in your conclusion Organization/Clarity: – Though no formal structure is required, the essay must be organized in paragraphs with each paragraph addressing a clear topic/argument/evidence, etc. Sources/Citations: – Depending on your topic of choice, you must incorporate all readings that are related to your thesis – All information included in your essay not considered common knowledge should be cited – MLA Citation is recommended – Though not required, it is recommended to do extra research to add some depth to your argument and get to that 6-page length.

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organizing course readings as evidence

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