Paleogenetics and Race

Paleogenetics and Race.

Paleogenetics and Race

here are some reading and links you should do.

The mid-term exam will cover everything that we have discussed so far – lectures, readings,

discussions, films, etc. A dummy copy showing the structure of the exam will be available on

Moodle before the exam.


DUMMY EXAM – these questions will not be on the actual exam

No page limit, open book, answer questions as essays to the best of our ability but don’t worry about footnotes or proper essay format.

A. Essay Question. (50%)

Answer one of the following questions within the context of the themes of this course. Make specific references to the readings and the lectures. Answer all the parts of the question.

1. What advantage did the Middle East have in forming agricultural and pastoral societies? What disadvantages did other parts of the world have?

2. ***

B. Essay Question. (50%)

Answer one of the following questions within the context of the themes of this course. Make specific references to the readings and the lectures. Answer all the parts of the question.

3. What defined the Chinese identity in Ancient “China?”

Paleogenetics and Race

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