Paper Mechanics and Organization

Paper Mechanics and Organization.

For this portion of the project you will complete your proposal which will employ the feedback you received from your instructor on Parts I and II. 
Paper Mechanics and Organization:
The content of your paper needs to be a least 8 pages (not including cover page, reference page or images), in APA format, and it should be double-spaced, with Times New Roman font size 12 and 1-inch margins (excluding work cited, tables, and figures). Students who plagiarize any portion of their final paper will receive a zero for the entire assignment. Using a paper written for a previous class is not allowed.
The in-text citations and reference page should be correctly formatted using APA style, along with a separate citations page at the end of your document. Spelling and grammatical errors will be penalized. Quotes should be kept to a minimum.
You should have a cover page with your name, date, proposal title, instructor name. You do NOT need an Abstract.
In the content begin with including your final vision statement (this will count as your introduction) and then using the information from your outline, go into detail on each point. End your paper with a conclusion section that summarizes your proposal and how it will benefit the field of astronomy.
From the points covered in your outline, you will elaborate on all information and include the following research information stated below. It is fine to research other missions/telescopes and use them as examples, but be sure to always use your own words in any information you provide. Keep your information in the same order as shown below. At the beginning of your paper place your Mission Statement.
What are you mainly interested in exploring or researching and state how it could advance our knowledge of our universe. Regarding the object you will be studying (observing) explain the following:
How is your object different or the same as other objects that have been observed?  For example, if you are studying red giant stars, what is something new that we don’t know about them, compare/contrast them to other types of stars, what is unique about them, what is their life-cycle?
Where is your object(s) located? For example, if they are quasars, speak to how we can determine their distance and age? How have we determined how far away it is? If it is a galaxy, speak to its formation and evolution compared to other galaxies. Have any studies about dark matter or energy been done in relation to it?
Based on what you want to study, will there need to be a spacecraft/telescope built?
If a spacecraft is involved, define the type of instruments it will carry and technology used.
Speak to how the types of missions differ. For example, where you will place it in space, e.g. orbiting a certain point in space?
Speak to the specific types of instruments you will employ on your craft and how they will help you accomplish your objective(s). Looking at other missions for examples will help you come up with ideas.
Include what part of the spectrum you will be viewing in and how that will give you different information from other parts of the spectrum.
If it is a telescope, speak to if it will be built and what type (spectrum) it will be. If you are using an existing telescope, which one and what part of the spectrum will you be observing in?
Include what type of telescope you are using (e.g. radio, optical, etc.), will you employ interferometry or other types of technology?  Include what part of the spectrum you will be viewing in and how that will give you different information from other parts of the spectrum.
What technology will you be using? Does it exist? Is someone currently developing it? For example, if it is a new kind of telescope, what kind of technical advances are being used to make it more powerful. Or if it is a spacecraft what technology is going to propel your craft to its destination?
Speak to how long you expect the mission/observations to last?
If you are employing a craft and visiting an object, how long will it take?  Based on the orbit of your object, when do you want to visit it and why?  What technology will you use to propel your craft?
If you are observing an object with a telescope, how long will your observations be? For example, if you are observing variable stars or gamma ray bursts, what will you base your observation length on? What observation techniques will you employ?
What might the general costs be?  (This can be researched in detail later)
For this you can compare your mission to others and make your best guess at the cost. Be sure to include your references used.

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Paper Mechanics and Organization

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