Portrayals of Race/Ethnicity

Portrayals of Race/Ethnicity.


Find a film or crime drama episode that has not been assigned or discussed in the
PowerPoint or any article for this module. Briefly describe the film or crime drama episode you have chosen
and illustrate why this film/TV show is a good example to teach one or more key points from any one of the
articles for this module. Be clear about the key points, and how it helps to teach them.
Specifically, your paper must provide:
1. A brief, but clear summary of the main plot and the key characters.
2. An illustration of how scenes/episodes from this film or crime drama could be used to connect SPECIFIC key
points made in any of the assigned readings from the module. Please identify the specific concepts,
demonstrate how they teach the concept, and be sure to cite article properly using APA.
3. A brief discussion of why you think this film or crime drama is a good choice to teach the concept. The more
in-depth the analysis, the more points you will earn.

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Portrayals of Race/Ethnicity

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