Psychologists in Public Service

Psychologists in Public Service.

Careers/Societies/Divisions in Psychology Project PSYC 105: Introduction to Psychology

What am I doing? You will create a 7-10 slide presentation describing a career in psychology or psychological association/ society/division. Why am I doing this? As this class is an introduction to the discipline of psychology, the student will be introduced to theories, concepts, people, and new research directions in psychology. In short, you will learn what we have done so far, what we are doing now, and where we are going in the future. Equally important, you should learn who we are and what we do, the ‘we’ of course meaning psychologists. Despite the stereotypes, all psychologists do not sit back taking notes and offering advice to people. If fact, only about half of all psychologists do this. So what is the other half doing? You’re about to find out. Which careers/societies/divisions can I select?

Career/Society/Division Careers in Psychology

Assessment Professionals Aviation Psychologist

Child and Adolescent Psychologist Clinical Psychologist

Community Psychologist Consumer Psychology

Counseling Psychologist Cross-Cultural Psychologist

Educational Psychologist Forensic Psychologist Health Psychologist

Human Factors Psychology Industrial/Organizational Psych

Military Psychologist School Psychologist

Social and Personality Psychologist Sports Psychologist

Regional Psychological Associations and Psychology Clubs for Students American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS)

Psi Chi Psi Beta

Eastern Psychological Association Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA)

New England Psychological Association (NEPA) Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (RMPA)

Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA)

Western Psychological Association (WPA)

American Psychological Association American Psychological Association 1 – Society for General Psychology

2 – Society for the Teaching of Psychology 3 – Experimental Psychology

5 – Behavior, Measurement, and Statistics 6 – Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology

7 – Developmental Psychology 8 – Society for Personality and Social Psychology

9 – Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) 10 – Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts

13 – Society of Consulting Psychology 14 – Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

15 – Educational Psychology 16 – School Psychology

18 – Psychologists in Public Service 20 – Adult Development and Aging

22 – Rehabilitation Psychology 23 – Society for Consumer Psychology

24 – Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 25 – Behavior Analysis

28 – Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse 33 – Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 34 – Population and Environmental Psychology

35 – Society for the Psychology of Women 36 – Psychology of Religion

43 – Family Psychology 44 – Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues

46 – Media Psychology 47 – Exercise and Sport Psychology

48 – Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology Division 50 – Addictions

51 – Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity 52 – International Psychology

53 – Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 54 – Society of Pediatric Psychology

Please be advised that each career/division/society may only be used once. You will sign up via BB Learn. What should I include in my project? Career Report: Those doing a career in psychology should include the following information on their poster:

a. description of what the psychologist in this area does b. description of a typical day c. pros and cons of this career d. education needed for it (i.e. what can you do with a BA, MA, and PhD) e. salaries f. professional affiliations (i.e. societies or APA division) g. professional journals related to the career

Society/Association/Division Report: Here are the requirements for a report on a psychological association/ society/division:

a. mission statement b. membership – how to sign up c. publications produced by the division d. current president e. awards that are offered f. annual convention information

For either type of report, please include a reference slide at the end (this is in addition to the 5-7 slide requirement). NOTE: Be sure you do the correct set of requirements. Only Careers in Psychology will utilize the first set of criteria. What format should I use? For this project, use Microsoft PowerPoint only. Other formats may not be able to be opened by students. Each of the requirements above should be presented on one slide by itself. Do not crowd your slide with a ton of details. Make good use of the speaker notes but display your presentation such that the speaker notes window pane is clearly visible and your audience can read it while looking at the slide. For instance:

Your Slide is shown at the top. Your Speaker Notes are shown below.

There is a way to convert your project to a PDF with Note Pages displayed. For information on this, consult with Dr. Lee Daffin at If you use PPT, there is no need to convert it to a PDF.

How do I find information on my career/division/society? A good way to handle this assignment is to initiate a web search for the career, go to and view the division web page for yourself, or do a general search for the society/club. The internet is your primary resource for this assignment. There is no need for a great deal of detail. Just cover the basics. I am not looking for quantity, but quality. Where do I submit my project? Please submit your project in the appropriate drop box under Assignments in the course space. When do I turn my project in? See the Course Schedule for the exact date. How many points is my project worth? 50 points toward your final grade. If you have questions please consult your instructor. Have fun.

Psychologists in Public Service

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