psychology paper writing.
psychology paper writing
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I need a psychology paper about community engagement reflection. I focused on peer relations of 2 to 4 years old kids (who are in their early childhood). The day care center that I went to is called Little Turtle Playhouse. There were 5 or 6 kids in that age group and two teachers. I went there every morning form 8 to 10am and everyday after class from 4 to 6pm. They did “circle time” every morning learning days of the week and the weather and other basic things. Then they did some color painting. They also played outside twice a day.
Peer relations:
Establishing relationships with peers constitutes one of the most important and challenging developmental tasks of early childhood. “Experienced through group activities or one-on-one friendships, they play an important role in children’s development, helping them to master new social skills and become acquainted with the social norms and processes involved in interpersonal relationships” (Hey DF. et al., 1999).
1. Playing by themselves. Speaking to a toy.
2. Playing with others.
“I’ll be the baby. You’ll be the daddy. Ok?”
Sharing toys.
3. Rejection behavior.
Hitting others with toys.
Relative science explanation:
Child attachment style (secure, insecure, disorganized…)
Kids do develop healthy relations. This is mostly depicted when they are able to play alone without distracting others. Healthy relations are also displayed when kids peacefully share their toys and engage in games where they participate in a humble and peacefully manner. Sometimes children may fail to depict healthy relations and this is witnessed when they display a habit of rejection such as pushing each other or even hitting others with toys instead of playing with them in a peaceful way.
Day Care Is Much More Than Babysitting
Stability, Change, and Correlates of the Peer Relationships of Young Children With Mild Developmental Delays
Emotional Correlates of Social Competence in Children’s Peer Relationships
The Contribution of Support Teachers in Facilitating Children’s Peer Interactions
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I need a 5—7 pages paper based on these information. Please also include: What learning goals did you have at the outset and what goals were achieved from this community-based learning? What questions about development were answered and/or raised by your experiences? How do the things we learned relate to your community engagement experiences? What research questions might you explore or like to see developmental psychologists take on as a result of what you saw at your site? Comment your reflection to at least 3 referenced. Thank you!