Questions That Guide Inquiry Research vs. Practice Change Project

Questions That Guide Inquiry Research vs. Practice Change Project.

Questions That Guide Inquiry: Research vs. Practice Change Project
This week, you will discuss the differences between the questions that drive research and those that drive the search for evidence to support a QI project. In this assignment, you will identify the components of each type of question and identify the differences between them.
Using the South University Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, respond to the following question in a minimum of 300–500 words:
How can you differentiate a research question from a question that will guide the literature search to look for evidence? Consider the elements required for a quantitative research design consistent with the scientific method and those for a PICOT question that will guide the search for research studies to guide practice change.
Provide reasons and evidence in support of your responses.


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Questions That Guide Inquiry Research vs. Practice Change Project

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