Read the stories “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury and “Nethergrave” by Gloria Skurzynski very carefully, making sure you have a thorough understanding of each.

Read the stories “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury and “Nethergrave” by Gloria Skurzynski very carefully, making sure you have a thorough understanding of each..

Use the following guidelines to help you write your critical response essay. Read all of these instructions very carefully before you begin writing your essay. Make sure you understand what is required for each part of this essay (Introduction, Body, and Conclusion) before you begin writing. It is a good idea to make notes for each section or to create a short outline to help organize your thoughts. Please follow these steps when completing the Critical Response Essay in Unit 4.

1. Reading

Read the stories “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury and “Nethergrave” by Gloria Skurzynski very carefully, making sure you have a thorough understanding of each. This may mean reading both stories more than once.

2. Reflect

Think of the literary elements in each story such as plot, setting, characterization,dialogue, point of view, tone, and especially theme. Also, consider how bothstories fit into the genre (category) of science fiction.



Your essay will begin with an introduction. This will include a thesis statement that says which of the stories you think is the best and W HY you feel this way. An example of a thesis statement would be as follows:“Ray Bradbury’s story “A Sound of Thunder” is a stronger work of science fiction than Gloria Skurzynski’s “Nethergrave” because it involves time travel, has better characterization, and its theme reveals how even the smallest act can have an impact on the future of mankind.”(This is an example of a thesis statement. Please do NOT use this in your essay.)Remember, your thesis statement should be clear and valid. This means your thesis is easy to understand and that you will be able to prove it through the explanations you provide in the body of your paper. Your introduction will also briefly state the main points you will cover throughout your essay.


The body of your paper should be divided into three paragraphs. Each paragraph will fit in with the claims you made in your thesis statement. You will use examples from both stories to provide support.Paragraph 1 – Discuss how each of these stories fit into the genre of science fiction. W hat elements or events in EACH story make it science © 2013 Connections Education LLC. All rights reserved.

fiction? This can include the story’s setting, types of technology used, events from the plot of the story, etc. Make sure you mention elements from BOTH stories as you will be comparing and contrasting.Paragraph 2 – Next, choose ONE literary element (characterization, point of view, tone, etc.) and explain how the authors use this literary element in each story. Do not choose theme for this section as you will use this in your third body paragraph. Which story do you think uses this element more effectively and W HY do you think this? Only use ONE literary element and apply this to both stories. For example, you would talk about Tone in “A Sound of Thunder” and Tone in “Nethergrave.” You are comparing and contrasting the two stories and will apply the same literary element to each.Paragraph 3 – In your last body paragraph, you will discuss the themes found in each story. Remember, the theme is the message the author wishes to convey. It is what he or she wants you to learn or to take away from the story. W hat are the themes of “A Sound of Thunder” and “Nethergrave?” Which theme do you think is more effective and W HY? You will compare/contrast ONE theme from EACH story.

5. Conclusion

In the conclusion of your paper, you will restate your thesis from the introduction. Restating the thesis means that you will say it in a different way. Do not simply copy and paste the thesis statement from your introduction. You will elaborate on your opinion as to which story you think is better and why you feel this way. Also in your conclusion, you will briefly sum up the major points of your paper, highlighting what you feel is most important.

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Read the stories “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury and “Nethergrave” by Gloria Skurzynski very carefully, making sure you have a thorough understanding of each.

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