Store data

Store data.

1.Which of the following software components enables a user to store data in the form of tables?

A. Spreadsheet B. Editor C. DBMS D. Word processor

2. Which of the following is not a system software?

A. Linkers B. Device drivers C. Operating system D. Word processor

3. Which of the following software helps the users to detect the errors while executing a program?

A. Language Translator B. Debugger C. Loader D. Linker

4. Which of the following software runs at the basic level of computer system?

A. Application software B. System software C. User software D. All of the above

5. A program in which multiple instructions of high-level language or assembly language instructions are written is generally known as:

A. Psuedocode B. Source code C. Object code D. Machine code

Store data

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