The dependency on the environment has caused us to exploit it as natural resources..
Humans have always had a negative impact on the environment. The dependency on the environment has caused us to exploit it as natural resources. These resources are put in to product essential and non-essential goods for the human population. Many of these resources such as timber and fish stocks, are limited by time and can result to resource depletion (Field, 2008). The United Natios Millennium Ecosystem Assessment states that approximately 60% of the world’s ecosystems are uses at an unsustainable rate (David Suzuki Foundation, 2008). Restoration efforts and an adaptive sustainable (a balanced of environmental, social, and economical values) approach may allow for these resources to be replenished over time and be uses at a sustainable rate. The rate of replenished can also be called the rate of recovery in terms of ecosystem health and integrity. The practise of initiating or accelerating the recovery of an ecosystem is commonly referred to restoration ecology (Sager, 2012). The benefits of restoring degraded lands are the services that have been lost from resource extractions,…
The dependency on the environment has caused us to exploit it as natural resources.