The educator’s philosophyWhat is it and why is it needed now?Explain

The educator’s philosophyWhat is it and why is it needed now?Explain.


Synthesise and reflect on key Ideas raised in the the following readings. The Synthesis should demonstrate a depth of understanding on the reading

This is a step-by-step guide to synthesising materials from a number of different sources:


Make notes on key points from this material. Remember to always use your own voice and to reference the ideas and words of others.
Then create a summary for each text.

Identity common ideas and differences between the texts.
From all of this information you now synthesise or write a new text.

Maximum word is 1200

Topic 1 : Is curriculum just a document?


Gobby, B. (2017). What is curriculum? In B. Gobby & R. Walker (eds). Powers of curriculum: Sociological perspectives on education (p. 5-34). Oxford University Press. (Chapter 1: SET TEXT) (ATTACHED)

Topic 2: Enacting power and values through curriculum


Gobby, B. (2017). What is curriculum? In B. Gobby & R. Walker (eds). Powers of curriculum: Sociological perspectives on education (p. 5-34). Oxford University Press. (Chapter 1: SET TEXT – this is continued from last week) (ATTACHED)

Portelli, J.A. & Vibert, A.B. (2010). A curriculum of life, Education Canada, 42(2), 36-39. (ATTACHED)

Topic 3: The educator’s philosophy


Down, B. (2017). Critically reflective practice: What is it and why is it needed now? In B. Gobby & R. Walker. (eds). Powers of curriculum: Sociological perspectives on education. (pp. 118-141). Oxford University Press. (Chapter 5: SET TEXT)

Giamminuti, S. (2017). Educators’ philosophies: Encountering and weaving images. In B. Gobby & R. Walker. (eds). Powers of curriculum: Sociological perspectives on education. (pp. 86-117). Oxford University Press. (Chapter 4: SET TEXT)

Topic 4: The third teacher


Merewether, J. (2017). Environment: The Third Teacher. In B. Gobby & R. Walker (eds). Powers of curriculum: Sociological perspectives on education. (pp. 394-418). Oxford University Press. (Chapter 16: SET TEXT)

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The educator’s philosophyWhat is it and why is it needed now?Explain

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