The effects of corona virus (COVID-19) in the global economy.
This is an assignment that focuses on the effects of corona virus (COVID-19) in the global economy. The paper also provides guidelines to follow in writing the assignment.
The effects of corona virus (COVID-19)in the global economy
Assignment submission must meet the following requirements:
The assignment must be on the Assignment 1 Response Template provision on FLO. Changes to ANY of the formatting in the template, not just what is below, may incur penalties.
Firstly, use the font 12 points Times New Roman throughout; this includes references.
Write your Surname, First Name on the top line in the section provided on each of the 4 pages.
Page border: The top, bottom and side margins are set – do not change the text box size.
Please use single spacing with one carriage return (paragraph mark) between paragraphs.
Additionally, one page only is for each question, this includes diagrams and references.
Questions with separate parts, eg 1a, 1b, are still one question. No attachments or additional pages to the assignment will be accepted, nor will links to webpages, Instagram…. etc. Your entire answer must fit within the box provided.
If you choose to include a diagram or figure in an answer, it must be hand drawn by you (NOT computer generated diagrams nor textbook diagrams scanned or copied) with relevant notation. Computer generational figures and diagrams will not be accept. (Students with a disability, supported with a Student Access Plan, may contact the Topic Coordinator for approval to submit computer generated figures). Figures plus all of your text must fit within the borders supplied.
References (for example lectures notes, textbooks, peer-reviewed articles, websites, etc) must be cited using the Vancouver style – a copy of referencing guide is available on MMED1005’s FLO page.
The Reference List for each question must be within the box at the end of each
An example of how to reference within the assignment template is provided on FLO.
The effects of corona virus (COVID-19) in the global economy