The political and social context of a given composer essay

The political and social context of a given composer essay.

This is a paper that is focusing on the political and social context of a given composer essay. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.

The political and social context of a given composer essay

You have two options for the first essay (3–4 pages). You can either look to the political, historical, and social context of a given composer or individual piece of music OR you can develop your close listening skills by writing a detailed analysis of how cycles of tension and repose operate in a single musical work based on the rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic traits. Consider the following prompts for your first essay:
•           How is Hildegard von Bingen’s writing and composing radical for a woman of her time period? Be specific and be sure you discuss this in relation to the musical traits of one or more of her works. (you may consider works beyond those included in the course).

•           In what ways do Monteverdi’s madrigals or operas reflect the tensions between the sacred and secular worlds in the seventeenth century? Be specific about the musical traits that support your argument.
•           How do tension and repose operate across a specific musical work we have studied so far? Consider how the movement between tension and repose creates a structure to the work and how it emotionally engages the listener. Are these responses unique to the listener, or do specific musical traits elicit predictable responses in listeners? Do rhythm, melody, and harmony work together to create tension and repose, or do they sometimes contradict each other?
Additionally, you may draw on secondary critical sources, and those cited in the Study Guide may be particularly helpful. But using secondary criticism is not a requirement of this first essay.

The political and social context of a given composer essay

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