The techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis

The techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis.

This is a paper that is focusing on the techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis. The paper also provides additional requirements to focus in writing the assignment paper.

The techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis

Task: You are required to research and analyse an example of institutional communication using some of the techniques and concepts covered in LING2289. You present your analysis and findings, as well as practical implications for communication in institutional contexts, as a video research poster presentation.

Additional requirements
Use and cite 5‐10 sources from the unit or other relevant, reliable sources in your analysis and presentation.
Bring a copy of your publish poster and storyboard/script to the workshop in Weeks 12/13.
Upload an MSWORD (or similar) file to Turnitin containing evidence of your research and authorship (ie: texts, analysis, interpretation, poster, storyboard, script, links to your selected text(s), reference list and also any other relevant evidence).
Upload a video mp4 file of your poster and voiceover to Assignments (max file size 200MB).

The techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis

Approach ‐ suggested steps
1. Firstly, choose an example of institutional or professional organisational communication to analyse. The example that you choose should be either freely accessible in the public domain or collected in an institutional context (eg public information brochures, organisational reports, organisational web sites).  Depending on the type of analysis you plan to carry out, you could use just a single text or a small collection of texts.

2. Secondly, prepare the text(s) you have chosen for analysis (eg assemble some texts into a corpus, consider multimodal features and/or identify linguistic patterns or themes that you want to analyse further).

3. Thirdly, carry out your analysis, summarise/interpret your analysis, articulate your findings and develop your implications. (ie practical application of your findings to enhance understanding of and/or improve communication in the particular institutional context and/or institutional contexts more broadly). Remember a critical approach means describe, explain and interpret.

4. Fourthly, plan how you will present your research, analysis, findings and implications as a research poster. (Refer to: How to Create a Research Poster: Poster Basics at and similar guides.)

5. Also, create a first publish of your poster. (eg with software PowerPoint, Prezi, or Keynote) and storyboard/script to bring to the workshop in Weeks 12/13.

6. Finalise your poster and voiceover script, then record your video and save as a mp4 file.

The techniques and concepts in LING2289 analysis

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