There is much research to evaluate in formulating your own opinion about the validity of the biological approach to criminal behavior.

There is much research to evaluate in formulating your own opinion about the validity of the biological approach to criminal behavior..

There is much research to evaluate in formulating your own opinion about the validity of the biological approach to criminal behavior. As you ponder the legitimacy of this research and of the biological approach, consider two important questions: First, do biological theories illuminate your understanding of the nature of criminal behavior? Second, to what degree is biology a factor in criminal behavior—or in other words, how significant is the role of biology in criminal behavior?

Assignment (1.5-2pages):

· Select and describe two biological theories.

· Evaluate the degree to which you think each theory adequately explains criminal behavior. Justify your position with specific examples and references.

· Based on your evaluation, explain at least one conclusion you drew or insight you had about the validity of the biological approach as a body of research to explain criminal behavior.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the resources for this course.

The post There is much research to evaluate in formulating your own opinion about the validity of the biological approach to criminal behavior..

There is much research to evaluate in formulating your own opinion about the validity of the biological approach to criminal behavior.

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