Using the articles listed below,

Using the articles listed below,.

Using the articles listed below, and research where appropriate develop a 6-8-page research paper that addresses the relationship of structure to culture in creating an effective and efficient place to work. For this assignment, you will evaluate the strategies managers can utilize to impact organizational structure and culture. Address the following in your paper:
Explain how organizational structure interfaces with organizational culture to create a smooth work and decision-making flow. Be sure to include a discussion of how organizational purpose relates to the relationship between the integration of structure and culture.
Select two organizations from the best places to work. Research and describe their structures and cultures.
Select two organizations from the worst places to work. Research and describe their structures and cultures.
Identify and explain why the structure and culture work well in those organizations that are deemed best places to work. Identify and explain what does not work well in structure and culture in those organizations that are not favored by their employees.
In the case of the disliked organizations, recommend three strategic ways a manager could improve the interface of structure and culture.
Finally, many large organizations are trying to transition to smaller more flexible structures. Suggest at least three management strategies that can make a bureaucratic organization a more team-oriented, collaborative, and inclusive culture.
Use of at least five scholarly articles and other professional sources to support your work.
Additional Sources may include:
The Best Companies to Work For
10 Unmistakeable Signs of a Toxic Culture
Forbes Just Companies
Forbes Best Employers
Forbes Best Companies
Money Worst Companies to Work For
100 Great Places to Work


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Using the articles listed below,

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