What action that anyone took this week did you find most puzzling or confusing?

What action that anyone took this week did you find most puzzling or confusing?.

Please take about ten to fifteen minutes to respond to the questions below about this week’s class. Thanks for taking the time to do this. What you write will help us make the class more responsive to your concerns.
1. At what moment in class this week did you feel most engaged with what was happening?
2. At what moment in class this week were you most distanced from what was happening?
3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took this weekend did you find most affirming or helpful?
4. What action that anyone took this week did you find most puzzling or confusing?
5. What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could?be about your own reactions to what went on, something that someone ?did, or anything else that occurs).
Adapted from Stephen D. Brookfield, Ph.D., used with permission. See http://www.stephenbrookfield.com/Dr._Stephen_D._Brookfield/Home.html
4-Case Analysis: 360 Degree Appraisals Case Study
6. Read the case study on pages 349 – 350.
7. Provide an analysis of the case (3 pages).
8. Use ether the AMA 8-step case analysis tool or the one shown in the syllabus.
9. Submit your paper in MS Word format to the upload link contained in the Week 5 Red Assignment folder.

What action that anyone took this week did you find most puzzling or confusing?

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