What are the advantages and disadvantages of what you propose?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of what you propose?.

What approaches could improve disaster and emergency preparedness planning processes and procedures in a system – based framework?
What approaches could improve disaster and emergency preparedness planning processes and procedures in a system – based framework? An answer to that question – and a discussion of how to make the change – would make an interesting topic for a research paper.
The paper should also have a one page executive summary.
At a basic level, the research process involves:
1. A statement of the problem or issue you intend to study
2. Questions about the problem or issue you want to answer
3. A review of what is known about the topic
4. The argument you intend to make (the claims, hypotheses, solutions)
5. Collecting and organizing data that relate to the issue you are studying
6. The analysis of the data
7. Presenting your findings.
Often there will be a variety of information about the issue, but it may be contradictory, incomplete, or confusing. Your job is to collect, distill, and craft that information into a compelling narrative or analysis about what should be done and why.
There is no single template to use to write a research paper. Ideally, it should be rigorous, creative, and persuasive. In thinking about the topic you will present, it is useful to consider several questions. The questions do not need to be answered in your paper, but they can help you think through the feasibility of what you might suggest.
1. Who are the principal stakeholders involved in the situation? What do they want? How do they perceive the issue?
2. What decisions need to be made to get your ideas adopted and implemented? What are the constraints?
3. What are the most likely unintended consequences of what you propose? Who will win and who will lose if your idea is adopted?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of what you propose?
5. What questions will your proposal raise?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of what you propose?

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