What are the dangers in socializing men/boys to act like men?

What are the dangers in socializing men/boys to act like men?.

Read a piece written by feminist author Jessica Valenti titled Boys Do Cry, which is provided here.To bolster your discussion, you should also view a set of Milwaukees Best beer commercials that are linked here.
2.After you do so, respond to the discussion questions provided below. Your complete response should be at least 225 words.
3.You must also provide a thoughtful response to at least one classmates post (no specific word requirement).

Discussion Questions for all: What is Valentis central argument? Do you tend to agree or disagree with her? Why or why not? What are the dangers in socializing men/boys to “act like men”? Do you find the beer commercials linked above troubling? Why or why not?

Men: Do you experience pressure to behave in “manly” ways? Provide some examples. Does this pressure trouble you? Does it restrict or change your feelings and behaviors in any way?

Women: Do you expect/encourage men/boys to behave in stereotypically masculine ways? Why or why not? Do you contribute to the stigmatization of men/boys who do not? If so, how?

What are the dangers in socializing men/boys to act like men?

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