What does Larsen say about the Prosimian category?

What does Larsen say about the Prosimian category?.

Detail the following taxonomic categories. Explain what defines each of the categories. 1. Strepsirh Show more Detail the following taxonomic categories. Explain what defines each of the categories. 1. Strepsirhine Haplorhine Anthropoid Tarsier Platyrhine Callitrichid Cebid Catarrhine Cercopitheoid Cercopithecine Colobine Hominoid. 2. Write down at least one derived (not ancestral) trait for each of these categories. 3. What does Larsen say about the Prosimian category? 4. List 5 ancestral traits that primates share with other animals. Show less

What does Larsen say about the Prosimian category?

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