What does the article tell you about the real world of purchasing?

What does the article tell you about the real world of purchasing?.

Supply Chain Managment
Order Description
n this activity you are asked to (1) read an article in the business press in the area of supply management (i.e. purchasing or procurement) and (2) keep a journal
that helps you synthesize what you learn from that article with course materials and class discussions. The objective for this assignment is for you to improve your
knowledge of current business practices in supply management and relate the theories you learn in the text to the real-world. Use the key terms from the textbook as
search criteria in journals magazines and newspapers. This should result in Page 6 a variety of articles including interesting developments in the discipline (e.g.
hot topics in supply management) news analysis relating to a particular industry (e.g. electronics) or classic purchasing topics (e.g. supplier quality management).
Some sources that would be especially appropriate for this include the ISM APICS and CSCMP website and magazines but also see Bloomberg Business Week Forbes
Fortune Economist Wall Street Journal and New York Times. The article should be long enough (1000+ words) for you to answer the following questions in your journal:
1. What is the article about? Provide a brief synopsis.
2. What is the key point(s) of the article?
3. How does the key point(s) relate to the Monczka text?
4. What does the article tell you about the real world of purchasing? Please choose articles relating to the chapters assigned in that module. Be sure you identify the
source of your article.
the article you are going to use is this http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2014-11-25/home-depot-faces-dozens-of-breach-related-lawsuits. the book we use is Purchasing
and supply chain management by Monczka.
refer to chapers 14 and 15 for this assignemnt.

What does the article tell you about the real world of purchasing?

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