What is the importance of assessing laboratory values when prescribing medications?

What is the importance of assessing laboratory values when prescribing medications?.

What is the importance of assessing laboratory values when prescribing medications?

Assessment: Physical examination is unremarkable. BP128/68, HR is 74, Urine human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) positive, beta HCG sent, potassium 4.2, blood
urea nitrogen (BUN) 14, creatinine is 0.6, Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 29, White blood cells (WBCs) 6.5, hemoglobin (Hgb) 12.8, hematocrit (Hct) 39, and platelets 330,000.

List the additional questions you would need to ask this patient. Explain.
What is the safety profile of Lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide and bismuth subsalicylate in pregnant women? What are the possible complications to the pregnant woman and her fetus?
What is the importance of assessing laboratory values when prescribing medications? How might the laboratory values, in this case, impact your treatment plan?
Would you make any changes to Ms. BD’s blood pressure and GERD medications? Explain. If yes, what would you prescribe? Discuss the medications safety in pregnancy, mechanism of action, route, the half-life; how it is metabolized in and eliminated from the body; and contraindications and black box warnings.
How does ethnopharmacology apply to this patient if she were NOT pregnant? Explain.
What health maintenance or preventive education do you provide in this client case based on your choice of medications/treatment?
Would you treat this patient or refer her? Explain. If you refer, where would you refer this patient?

What is the importance of assessing laboratory values when prescribing medications?

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