What is the role of the registered nurse in ensuring continuity of care and maintaining safety for the patient?

What is the role of the registered nurse in ensuring continuity of care and maintaining safety for the patient?.

What is the role of the registered nurse in ensuring continuity of care and maintaining safety for the patient?

Reflect on the various settings in which family nurse practitioners are able to work. Currently in primary care, specifically community health centers, there is a significant need to hire more advanced practice nurses to meet the care needs of patients in both rural and urban populations. Read the article attached below and examine what role does the Community Nursing Practice Model have in achieving better access, care delivery and outcomes to patients living in underserved communities. Identify 1 (one) MSN Essential most correlates to this discussion related to community nursing practice.

Nurse Practitioners in Community Health Settings Today Article: http://clinicians.org/images/upload/wessel_nurse_practitioners.pdf

I have also attached additional information pertaining to community health from the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

assignment 2

Please write 1 paragraph for each of the following (total 3 paragraphs) and make each paragraph no more than 6 sentences. 

  1. Summarize how the registered nurses’ assessment skills touch every area of care and make the workflow go smooth in the emergency room.
  2. Since September 11, 2011, Hurricane Katrina, and recurring mass shootings, emergency and disaster preparedness has a whole new meaning for the US population. What is the role of the registered nurse in ensuring continuity of care and maintaining safety for the patient?
  3. The registered nurse is one of the few healthcare professionals that will see a patient before, during, and after surgery. How does the role change affect care and what are the challenges for nurses?

What is the role of the registered nurse in ensuring continuity of care and maintaining safety for the patient?

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