What issues do these drugs pose for society and individuals today

What issues do these drugs pose for society and individuals today.

This is a paper that is focusing on what issues do these drugs pose for society and individuals today. The paper also provides additional guidelines in writing the assignment paper clearly.

What issues do these drugs pose for society and individuals today

You will write a 6-page paper (cover page, 4-pages of content, plus an addition APA references page for a total of 6 pages) and adhere to the following guidelines:

Be sure to use the terminology from lecture and your text
Papers should be typed in 12-point, Times New Roman or Arial font
Be double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around
Include a minimum of 3 references in APA format with corresponding in-text citations (including at least one (1) peer-reviewed journal reference)
Grading will be as follows (rubric provided below):

How well your paper flows and proper structure (e.g. that they transition between paragraphs and move toward a clear conclusion that coincides with the opening paragraph)
Proofreading (spelling, typos, grammar)
That the paper is thoughtful (not just stating and defining terms)
Paper 1 prompt:
Address the following:

Choose a class of drugs (stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, etc.) and give an overall description and background of what they are, where/when they started, and what they’re used for (about 1 page)?
Discuss the most common drugs in this class (about 1 page)?
What issues do these drugs pose for society and individuals today? How do we combat this through Psychology? Are there any benefits or uses for treatment? (about 1-2 pages)?

Lastly, take a personal stance on one of the following topics and argue either the pro or con side:
War on Drugs
Percentages of people incarcerated due to drugs
Legalization of drugs
Mandatory drug testing
NOTE: You can visit the CalLu Library for resources and to access tutoring. You can also get help finding references and using APA-formatting. I will offer 2 points extra credit if you have your paper proof read through a tutoring resource and can provide a copy of the review slip before the due date.

Papers submission will be via the Turnitin link in this section of Blackboard.

What issues do these drugs pose for society and individuals today

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