What stands out as your most critical moment of learning for this week? How did it make you feel?

What stands out as your most critical moment of learning for this week? How did it make you feel?.

Q 1. Summary of Job Activities: Describe your daily activities: projects, meetings, etc. and reflect on your learning. What stands out as your most critical moment of learning for this week? How did it make you feel? Why is it important to you?
Q 2. Mentoring: Think of an image or metaphor to describe the journey of your internship experience thus far. Tell us in a few sentences (or if you really want to be creative you can draw and upload it!). Now, pick someone who has been a mentor to you this semester. (This may or may not be a formal mentor assigned to you, someone you have merely observed, or perhaps someone outside your internship site who has supported you in this internship). What is their role and title. What encouragement have you gained from this person, or what do you value gleaning from this person?

Q3. Support Systems: What types of professional support have you observed in your workplace? Does your departmental structure facilitate formal or informal support amongst co-workers?
Think of a work-related challenge you have experienced so far on your internship…. What do you need to successfully address this? Now, compare this to your personal support system preferences: Read the short Sweitzer & King resource document. What 2-3 kinds of support do you think will benefit you the most this semester?

What stands out as your most critical moment of learning for this week? How did it make you feel?

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