What was the impact of each strategy on the organization and wider community?

What was the impact of each strategy on the organization and wider community?.

What was the impact of each strategy on the organization and wider community?

Did it gain support?

Many organizations such as Bermuda tourism, Visit Virginia, moon travel guides and women’s travel fest they have supported and partnered up with the black alliance. These organization have provided details and data showing that are 100% committed to making the industry more diversified (Black alliance 2020)

  • How are you measuring the effectiveness?
  • Did it achieve its original goal have a wider impact on communities/ get international coverage/change the narrative of specific communities in a positive way?

Has it shaped your industry in a positive way.

The black travel alliance achieved its original goal of encouraging and campaigning for more black representation within the travel industry as many companies globally and internationally have opted to join and be a part of the programme as when it was launched the global travel community reached out supporting this movement. The black community will be impacted in a positive way as they will have more representation within the industry if companies continue to provide data and stay connected with the black travel alliance.

  • How are you at making judgements (embed academic and industry references to ‘frame’ effectiveness/ positivity/ innovation.
  • In addition embed other references to support your judgements on uts overall effectiveness
  • Mini conclusion on this task how effective were these strategies overall.
  • Was one more successful than the other.

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What was the impact of each strategy on the organization and wider community?

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