Which of the following is equivalent to 0.01 L?

Which of the following is equivalent to 0.01 L?.

35. Which of the following is equivalent to 0.01 L?


A. 100.0 mL

B. 0.1 mL

C. 1.0 mL

D. 10.0 mL

1. What can be correctly said of data that are “normally distributed”?

A. The upper and lower values of the distribution describe the healthy range of physiological values.

B. The standard deviation characterises the dispersion of data, and the variance characterises the central tendency of the data.

C. The mean and range are statistics that are strictly only applicable to normally distributed data.

D. Sixty eight percent of all data values will be within 1 SD from the mean.

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Which of the following is equivalent to 0.01 L?

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