Which type of product advertising does BoltBus use?

Which type of product advertising does BoltBus use?.

View the video on the BoltBus Company, located at Cengage.com, Chapter 17. BoltBus is Greyhound’s curbside, express bus service. BoltBus operates primarily in the Northeast between major hubs, with some other service in the Northwest. This clip covers how BoltBus reaches its target markets through advertising, promotion, and social media. After viewing the video, write a 800-1000 word paper in which you address the following questions:

  1. Who does BoltBus consider to be its core consumers?
  2. How does the company use the knowledge (of who their core consumers are) to decide how to market BoltBus?
  3. Which type of product advertising does BoltBus use?
  4. Does BoltBus use consumer sales promotion? If so, what is the primary promotion they use?

Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox LP4 Assignment: The Role of Promotion. This assignment is worth 110 points; grading will be based on the LP4 Assignment Rubric.

Which type of product advertising does BoltBus use?

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