“Why do they always have to call me?

“Why do they always have to call me?.

Brian finally got his coveted day off to spend on the golf course with his wife, Sharon. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day—great weather, early tee time, and his putting was perfect. Then came the dreaded call from Brian’s work. “Now what?” asked Sharon. “Production was just informed that our base material is back-ordered and will not be available for at least two weeks, so the office wanted to know if they should order from our backup supplier,” Brian stated. “Why do they always have to call me? They have seen me handle this same situation multiple times. They know we need the material by Friday, and they know the number is on my speed dial. I can’t have one day where my staff handles problems on their own. It drives me crazy.” To that Sharon replied, “Perhaps the problem is not with your staff; perhaps it is with you. Have you ever asked yourself

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“Why do they always have to call me?

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