work within varying scopes of practice identified in your role descriptions and competencies.

work within varying scopes of practice identified in your role descriptions and competencies..

As a graduate nurse, I will encounter several other nursing roles in my team within the workplace, from the assistant in nursing to nursing unit manager. All these team members have all attained varying levels of education and have different knowledge as well as skill sets. Additionally, they are required to work within varying scopes of practice identified in their role descriptions and competencies. As a new graduate, I’ll need to review and be well versed with the ANMF guidelines for the Registered Nurse for comparison with those that guide the practice of the enrolled nurse/assistant in nursing (ANMF Guidelines, 2018). This will enable me to have a clearer understanding of the competencies and scope limitations of the group of health workers that I may have to supervise in practice as well as delegating responsibilities (Chang and Daley 2020). As a student, I didn’t have responsibilities for other nursing professionals as I was under supervision myself. The responsibility for determining educational standards and clinical practice requirements for undergraduate nursing courses rests with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA, 2020). Universities focuses on educating the competencies, the theoretical and ideological aspects of nursing, the clinical sector expects proficient ‘hands-on’ practitioners at graduation( Chand and Daley, 2020). Students attending clinical placements as part of their study are usually allocated to a supernumerary role where they have time to consider their theoretical knowledge and how this informs their clinical actions. When they become graduates, they’ll need time to adjust these values to the reality of the hospital workplace. This can result in role stress as they attempt to grapple with the level of proficiency needed in the often resource- and staff-constrained clinical settings. In addition, this high expectation from healthcare facilities can be even more stressful for the graduates who only have the initial qualification (Chang and Daley 2020

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work within varying scopes of practice identified in your role descriptions and competencies.

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