Write a program to implement the process

Write a program to implement the process.

Write a program to implement the process illustrated irr Fig. B-36′ An upcounter mu;t be progiammeci aS part of a batcl-i-counting operation to sort
parts auloniatically for quality control. The counter is installed to diveft 1
part oui of every iOOO tor. quatity control or inspection purposes’ The circuit
operates as follows:
* A starilstop pushbutton station is used to turn the conveyor motor on and off’
e. A pr-cxinrity sensor counts the parts as they pass by on the conveyorCIWlren I000 is reached, tlie counter’s outpui activates the gate soienoid, divertirig the pafi to the insPeciion line,
e Tlre gate solenoirl is errergized for 2 s, whiclr allows eriough tirle for the part to
continue to the qr-rality control line.
e Tlie gate returns to its normal position vuhen i|re 2-s time period ends’
e Tire CoLlnter resets to zero and Contitlues io accunrttiate CoUnts’
s.A r-eset pushbutton is provided to reset the counter manually.

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Write a program to implement the process

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