Describe the various methods by which payment may be made for international sale of goods.

Describe the various methods by which payment may be made for international sale of goods..

The second assessment item, like the first, requires students to apply international business law (IBL), policy concepts and ideas learned in the topics covered up to the time of assessment submission. There is a distinct emphasis on applied learning. This applies equally to question parts which are more discussion style and those that are more problem solving oriented. The assessment item tests the application of IBL plus policy considerations to factual scenarios (actual or hypothetical) and issues. Students are also expected to engage in critical analysis of the relevant IBL and policy either in general terms or having regard to factual scenarios outlined. Case decision analysis skills may also be tested in this assessment item.
Referencing Style Harvard (author-date)
5. Explain how the Vienna Sales Convention may apply to contracts for the international sale of goods and the main articles of the CISG.
6. Discuss the importance of trade terms and in particular the ICC incoterms.
7. Describe transportation arrangements and rules pertaining to this.
8. Describe the various methods by which payment may be made for international sale of goods.
9. Discuss the significance of UCP600 and documentary credits.
10. Explain the various strategies which may be used for penetrating foreign
11. Describe the WTO and GATT.
12. Discuss the role of regional trade arrangements.

Describe the various methods by which payment may be made for international sale of goods.

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