Does your VAMC conduct exams for RO employees?

Does your VAMC conduct exams for RO employees?.

Our regional office is requesting assistance in adding functionality to the Com & Pension (C&P) Examination Request Routing Assistant (ERRA) tool, which will indicate whether a clinic is able to accept examination requests for Veteran employees and employee-relatives residing within the clinic routing area.

Since the start of the fiscal year, eleven percent of all exams requested by this office have been cancelled by VHA facilities due to the Veteran’s VA employment (as reported by VHA facilities in the VSSC VBA Comp and Pen Cancellation Reasons Report). A local group within the Regional Office has identified this as an area in which we have an opportunity to improve. The group is taking steps to improve examination request routing accuracy based on feedback received from individual cancelled examinations, and The group is confident that an even greater impact would be seen in examination request routing accuracy if ERRA provided information regarding VHA’s preference on receiving requests for employee-Veterans.

We are working to reduce exam cancellations for the Restricted Access Claims Center (RACC) claims and are inquiring about your acceptance of local RO employee exams.

1 Does your VAMC conduct exams for RO employees?
2 If not, which VAMC is used as the alternate site for employee exams?
3 Is your facility co-located with the RO?
4 Are there any other limitations to employee exams the RACC should be aware of?

Does your VAMC conduct exams for RO employees?

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