Gender Socialization Process from Childhood to Adolescence Essay

Gender Socialization Process from Childhood to Adolescence Essay.

Gender Socialization Process from Childhood to Adolescence Essay

  • Students are expected to develop an in-depth presentation and to use core concepts to support their ideas. Please see below the guidelines regarding plagiarism.
  • The essay must be an original presentation
  • I highly recommend that students use the APA style, this will help you with your research paper
  • It is ok if the essay goes over the two pages.

PSYCHOLOGY OF GENDER TEST 2 ESSAY FALL’20 TEST 1 ESSAY GUIDELINES Develop an in-depth presentation and analysis of the gender socialization process from childhood to adolescence using the Social Learning and the Gender Schema. Explain the impact that culture and socio-economic status have on the development of a traditional or a non-traditional gender-schema. What do you think is the connection between traditional gender schema, gender-aschematic and educational achievement? • • • • • • The essay consists of two pages=50 points Test due date 10/30, 10:00 PM Students are expected to develop an in-depth presentation and to use core concepts to support their ideas. Please see below the guidelines regarding plagiarism. The essay must be an original presentation I highly recommend that students use the APA style, this will help you with your research paper It is ok if the essay goes over the two pages. Essay Outline • • • • Describe in-depth the social learning theory o Explain gender identity development during childhood and adolescence using the core concepts of this theory Describe in-depth the gender schema theory o Explain gender identity development during childhood and adolescence using the core concepts of this theory Explain the components of two different cultural systems and their gender role expectations o Western and non-Western Explain the components of two different socio-economic classes and their gender role expectations o Middle class o Lower income class Please review closely this outline Test 2 Essay (two pages) due 10/30 • • • • • • • • • The assignment consists of a two page essay=50 Points The guidelines will be provided in Canvas Students will have at least three days to work on this assignment Students have a two-day grace period to submit this assignment late but 5 points per day will be deducted=total 10 points Assignments submitted via e-mail will not be accepted regardless of circumstance Assignments submitted in files that are not viable will be deducted 15 points Students will have only 6 hours grace period to submit this assignment using a viable format and this will be the only opportunity offered to fix the problem No make-up regardless of circumstance Students have more than 6 days to complete this assignment …