How does Socrates refute Massachusetts definition of justice?

How does Socrates refute Massachusetts definition of justice?.

How does Socrates refute Thrasymachus definition of justice?
Order Description
1. How does Socrates refute Massachusetts definition of justice?
2. How does Socrates refute Thrasymachus claim that the life of an unjust person is better than
that of a just one?
Length: 1250-1300 words.
You may pick either topic.
If you pick the first topic, the first part of your paper should clearly lay out and explain what
Thrasymachus definition of justice is. Thrasymachus does this between 338b7-339a3. The rest of the
paper should lay out Socrates two step refutation of that definition. The first refutation is found
between 339a5-340c10. The second step is found between 340d1-347e1.
If you pick the second topic, the first part of your paper should lay out Thrasymachus reasons for
thinking that the life of the unjust person is better than that of the just one. This is found between
343d1-344c8. The rest of your paper should lay out Socrates refutation which is done in three steps.
The first step is found between 347e2-350c11 where Socrates shows that a just person is good and wise
and an unjust one ignorant and bad. The second step is found between 350d7-352d1 where Socrates
shows that injustice is not something that makes that which has it strong but rather the opposite. The
third step is found between 352d1 through the end of the dialogue at 354a9 where Socrates shows that
injustice is never more profitable than justice.
On the next page is found the grading sheet which I will use for the paper.
The paper should be typed. I prefer Calibri font, size 12, double spaced (so that I can make corrections
and comments). If you quote the author, dont forget to use quotation marks and Stephanus numbers
(those numbers I used above when indicating the passages, e.g., 352d1).

How does Socrates refute Massachusetts definition of justice?

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