MGT602 Business Decision Analytics

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics.

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics
Research Analysis Report
Up to 2,000 words
a) Select and evaluate the usefulness of a range of decision making tools and reflect on your decision-making styles and contrast with other styles to determine the respective levels of rationality and intuition utilised

b) Compare, contrast and critically evaluate sources of data as influences for decision-making in a range of business contexts
c) Examine and evaluate decision making systems and techniques to engage group decisions and analyse how these can enhance sustainable

d) Critically examine emerging tools and technologies for decision making

The purpose of this assignment is to become proficient in the programming with
• Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
• Performing LINQ queries from code
1) Familiarize yourself with the MS Access database for the assignment.
a) Create a new Project in Visual Studio called HW4XXX, where XXX is your initials or
team number.
b) Create a connection to the MS Access database and create a DataSet to receive the
data from the database using the same procedure that you used for the previous
Homework Assignment.
c) Create a Form that has the Controls as shown below. The Patient ID is entered through
a TextBox. The other data display controls are Labels. The items in the Patient Status
ComboBox are Tested, Home Care, Clinic, Hospitalized, ICU, Ventilated, Recovered.
Pettent Stalu■ Ftevww
Number ol Patients
New How!,
New Patient Stahl..
Mercy Hospital
BeNevue Hospital
Lenox Hill Hospital
Mount Sinai Hospital
Nassau Clinic
Update Patient Slat
and Assignment
2) Create the following classes. Each Table in the MS Access database will have a
corresponding Class in the Visual Studio Project as follows:
a) Patient
b) Clinic
c) Hospital (already Included in the starter file)
d) HomeCare
e) HeatthcareProvider

3) For each class,
a) Define properties that correspond to the names of the columns in the MS Access file that
these properties represent. Make sure that the properties are declared with types that
are consistent with the types of the corresponding fields in the database.
b) Define a Shared Property that represents a List of the objects in the Class.
c) For each class except the Patient class, create a Public Sub New constructor that
performs the following functions
i) Add the newly created object to the List of objects in the Class
ii) Set the Base Class properties for the newly created object.
4) In the Patient Class, create a method that performs the following functions
a) Discover the latest of all of the dates that track the patient progress.
b) Update the PatientStatusDate Property to the latest of all of the dates that track the
c) Update the PatientStatus Property to the status of the latest of all of the dates that track
the Patient.
5) Add code in the method CreateObjectsandLists which is in the ObjectCreator Class. This
code should perform the following tasks.
a) For the HomeCareQuery, call the RunSQL method of the DataLink Class to fill the table
in the DataSet that corresponds to the HomeCareQuery in the Data Base.
b) Transfer the data from the HomeCareQuery in the DataSet into Properties of the
corresponding HomeCare Class. Your code will,
i) Instantiate an object for each row of a table
ii) Enter values for the properties from the tables in the DataSet
6) Enter code in the Event Handler for loading the Form that runs the shared method
7) When the User clicks the Update Patient List Button, perform the following operations
a) Read the selection in the ComboBox for the patient condition.

b) Create a LINQ query that performs the following processes
i) Filter the Patients by the status that the User selects in the ComboBox
ii) Join the Patient class to the HealthCareProvider class.
iii) Sort the query on the basis of ascending PatientStatus date.
iv) Select the PatientlD, PatientStatusDate and ProviderName.
c) Generate a formatted MessageBox that shows the queried PatientlD, PatientStatusDate
and ProviderName.
8) When the User clicks the Update Patient Status and Assignment Button, perform the
following operations for the Patient that is identified by the User in the Patient ID TextBox.
a) Remove the selected Patient assignment from the Patient’s previous
i) If the Patient was in HomeCare, then reduce the number of patients in the
HomeCare object by 1.
ii) If the Patient was in a Clinic, then reduce the number of cases in the Clinic by 1.
iii) If the Patient was in a Hospital and
(1) The Patient status was Hospitalized, then decrease the Hospital’s
BedOccupancy by 1.
(2) The Patient status was ICU, then decrease the Hospital’s ICUOccupancy by 1.
(3) The Patient status was Ventilated, then decrease the VentilatedOccupancy by 1.
b) Update the Patient’s situation
i) Update the PatientStatus to the status selected by the User in the ComboBox
ii) Update the PatientProvider to the provider selected by the User in the ListBox
iii) If the Patient’s new provider is HomeCare, then increase the number of patients in
the selected HomeCare by 1.
iv) If the Patient’s new provider is a Clinic, then
(1) increase the number of cases in the Clinic by 1
(2) decrease the number of testers by 1.
v) If the Patient’s new provider is a Hospital and
(1) The Patient’s new status is Hospitalized, then increase the Hospital’s
BedOccupancy by 1.
(2) The Patient’s new status is ICU, then increase the Hospital’s ICUOccupancy by

(3) The Patient’s new status is Ventilated, then increase the VentilatedOccupancy by

9) Bells and Whistles
a) Personalize your application with your own color scheme for the Form, Controls and
Fonts. Besides being visually appealing, it is most important that this scheme be clear
and the layout of the form be logical and easy for the User to follow.
b) Define Fonts for all Labels that are consistent, clear, easy to see and do not overlap
label boundaries or other objects on the Form.

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MGT602 Business Decision Analytics

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