What benefits would that have for you?

What benefits would that have for you?.

Define group. Describe groupthink. Is it possible, or even likely, that groupthink is occurring at the highest levels of our government at this very moment in history or has occurred fairly recently? Give at least one example of where or how it may be occurring or may have occurred. Be sure that your answer reveals that you understand the concept. Is there anything that we as citizens can do to prevent or minimize groupthink on the part of our elected leaders? Be specific.
2. Would you say your experience of church, whatever that may mean to you (Sunday morning worship services, Sunday School classes, informal Bible studies, or prayer meetings), is mostly a primary group experience or a secondary group experience? Why would you classify it as one or the other? Would you like it to be more one way or the other than it now is? What benefits would that have for you? (If you do not or have not experienced church and thus have trouble answering this question, substitute your experience in some other organization in which members come together to discuss relevant topics or hear presentations by a leader. Some jobs, for instance, have regular meetings or frequently come together to hear a presentation of some type. Other possibilities might include social clubs or organizations of some kind, athletic teams, civic or political groups, etc.)

What benefits would that have for you?

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